Swissnuclear is the association of Swiss nuclear power plant operators and represents their common interests. Swissnuclear supports nuclear plants in safe and sustainable operation as well as in the further phases of the life cycle and is committed to optimizing internal and external framework conditions. The member companies of swissnuclear operate the Beznau, Gösgen and Leibstadt nuclear power plants, which generate around a third of Switzerland's electricity production.

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World association recognizes Swiss NPPs

Annual production 2023

Statement revision KEV

Swiss nuclear power plants

Swiss nuclear power plants produce a third of the country's electricity. See for yourself and find out about the long-term operation, safety and cost-effectiveness of these high-tech plants.

How does the decommissioning of a nuclear facility work? How much does the disposal of radioactive waste cost? How is the whole thing financed and who assumes liability? Find out more!

Research and training

Read more about the research projects supported by swissnuclear, the "Nuclear Engineering" Master's degree program and the Nuclear Engineering School in Baden.

Politics and communication

Interested in nuclear news, the latest media release or statements from the Association of Swiss Nuclear Power Plant Operators? Then you've come to the right place!

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One third of domestic electricity generation is nuclear power: reliable and cheap electricity from which Switzerland has benefited for 50 years. This electricity is a central pillar of security of supply, especially in winter.

Roger Lundmark, Managing Director swissnuclear


Swissnuclear Research Day 2022


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