Nuclear engineering school and radiation protection training
In November 2020, the operating companies of the Swiss nuclear power plants established the Nuclear Technology School (NTS) in Baden, which was previously based at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). It is the only school to offer the "Technician HF specializing in large-scale plant operation" course. The associated framework curriculum for "Large-scale plant operation" was co-developed by swissnuclear and approved by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in 2022. The three-year course forms the basis for training reactor operators who require a license. Interested parties must register with the nuclear technology school via one of the nuclear power plants. In addition to the course mentioned above, the Nuclear Engineering School also offers other courses in the field of nuclear engineering, while the PSI offers various courses in radiation protection.
Master's degree course in Nuclear Engineering
The four-semester Master's degree course in Nuclear Engineering comprises 120 ECTS credits. While students spend the first two semesters at the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and Zurich (ETHZ), the second year is dedicated to attending the courses offered at PSI and writing the Master's thesis.
Swissnuclear supports the Chair of Nuclear Safety and Multiphase Flows of Prof. Dr. Annalisa Manera at ETHZ and the CROCUS reactor at EPFL.